How to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM

Create cPanel Account in WHM

In this tutorial, we teach you how to create cPanel account in WHM (Web Host Manager). If you would like to host more websites and want to keep their environment separate, then this tutorial helps you a lot. To do this you need to create a package in WHM. If already created continue next. If not, know how to create packages in WHM.

About cPanel

cPanel is a web-based control panel for managing web hosting services. It provides a graphical user interface that makes it easier for website owners and administrators to manage their websites and perform common tasks, such as:

  • Creating email accounts
  • Managing databases
  • Uploading and organizing files
  • Installing applications
  • Setting up domains and subdomains
  • Checking website statistics and logs

cPanel integrates with other tools, such as WHM (Web Host Manager), to provide a comprehensive solution for managing web hosting services. With cPanel, users can perform a range of tasks, from simple file management to advanced configurations, without having to use command line tools or perform complex manual tasks.

cPanel is widely used by web hosting providers and is available for Linux-based servers. It offers a range of features and customization options, making it a popular choice for managing web hosting services.

About WHM

WHM (Web Host Manager) is a control panel for web server administrators and resellers to manage web hosting services. It provides a comprehensive interface for managing multiple cPanel accounts, setting up and customizing packages, managing security, and performing other administrative tasks.

WHM provides a range of features for managing web hosting, including:

  • Creating and managing cPanel accounts for hosting websites
  • Setting up packages with specific resource limits for each cPanel account
  • Managing DNS, FTP, email, and database settings
  • Monitoring server performance and resource usage
  • Updating software and security settings
  • Backing up and restoring data
  • Managing and monitoring server security

WHM is typically used by web hosting companies and server administrators to manage multiple web hosting accounts on a single server. It provides a centralized interface for managing all aspects of the hosting service and allows administrators to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.


Step by Step Description with Image

  • Firstly: Login to your WHM (Web Host Manager) using your username and password which you get from hosting company when you buy web hosting. If you have set up your own purchase in cPanel, give it your username and password. The password you gave during the cPanel setup.
Login to your WHM (Web Host Manager)
Login to your WHM (Web Host Manager)
  • Secondly: After login, you will see the WHM home page. Now click Account Functions > Create a New Account from the left menu. Or you can search from the top left search box as create an account.
Account Function to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
Account Function to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
  • Thirdly: After clicking Create a New Account you will see some information box that is Domain Information, Package, Settings, Mail Routing Settings, and DNS Settings. Let’s see how we fill in the data.
  • Fourthly: Fill every field in Domain Information box.
Domain Information to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
Domain Information to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM

Domain: You have to write the primary domain of your website or cPanel
UserName: Write a username that needs to login cPanel.
Password: Write a password that needs to log in cPanel.
Re-type Password: You have to write the same password again for accuracy.
Strength (Why?): This field shows that your password how many strong. If you can’t type a strong password then you can use a password generator to get a strong password. Remember that you have to copy this password.
Email:  Type an email address to contact the website or cPanel owner.

  • Fifthly: Select the package from the drop-down list.
Choose a Package to Create cPanel Account in WHM
Choose a Package to Create cPanel Account in WHM
  • Sixthly: Now the setting box.
Settings to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
  • Seventhly: Mail Routing Settings
Mail Routing Settings to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
Mail Routing Settings to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM
  • Eighthly: DNS Settings
DNS Settings to Create cPanel Account in WHM
  • Finally: After select all the settings now you can click the create button to create cPanel in WHM. After clicking the create button you will see some information for your web control panel or cPanel.